Fondation Ste Zithe

ZithaMobil and ZithaFoyers

Innovative care based on Christian values

Senior citizens and patients in need of care are often dependent on help in order to be able to live in line with their own wishes. As a home care service, ZithaMobil ensures quality of life through outstanding care. Regardless of age, a stimulating social life is essential for a happy life. Thanks to a wide range of offerings, ZithaFoyers promotes social integration, inter alia by providing daycare facilities complementing home care.


ZithaMobil is an innovative provider in the field of home care for senior citizens and patients in need of care. With locations in Luxembourg City, Consdorf, Pétange and Contern, the focus is on patient proximity and outstanding care.
An interdisciplinary patient assessment serves as a basis for the care teams, made up of nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, psychologists and social workers, to work on restoring, maintaining and promoting a patient’s physical and mental health. In this way, ZithaMobil ensures a high quality of life in the home environment despite a patient’s need for care.


Supplementing the home care provided by ZithaMobil, the daycare offered by ZithaFoyers primarily aims to promote independence, communication and social integration among senior citizens. The daycare centres focus on a combination of health, psychology and leisure with the aim of enabling senior citizens to maintain their autonomy and organise their daily lives in line with their own wishes. The focus is on basic medical care as well as various leisure and cultural activities, enabling people to come into contact with other daycare visitors.



Contact details for the organisation

Help us to help others.

In accordance with its statutes, the Fondation Ste Zithe supports Zitha operations in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.


Seit 1872 folgt die Zitha auf Basis christlicher Werte den Idealen Hilfsbereitschaft, Mitgefühl und Menschlichkeit, um in Luxemburg und Malawi ihren Dienst am Menschen zu erfüllen. Helfen auch Sie.

Jede Hilfe zählt

Wir hören einander offen, ehrlich interessiert und einfühlsam zu. Dazu gehört eine Haltung der Freundlichkeit, der Aufrichtigkeit und des respektvollen Umgangs miteinander.


Established in 1872, Zitha is guided by the ideals of helping those in need and offering compassion and humanity on the basis of Christian values, fulfilling its service to people in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.

Every donation, every help counts

We listen to each other, with an open mind, with honest interest and empathy. This includes behaving kindly, sincerely and respectfully.