Fondation Ste Zithe

Fondation Ste Zithe

The future of the ZithaWerke

The times may have passed for young women to opt frequently for a life as a nun, and therefore there may not be new ZithaSisters too, but the importance and relevance of their values remain. Through the Fondation Ste Zithe, the works of the ZithaSisters are set to be continued permanently.

About us

The Fondation Ste Zithe is a state-recognised charitable foundation under Luxembourg law, founded in 1995 by the ZithaSisters in Luxembourg*. As a charitable organisation, the foundation helps the needy, the elderly and the sick, working for social and charitable causes in Luxembourg and Malawi.

* The statutes of the Fondation Ste Zithe were last updated in 2020.

Our main areas of support

In Luxembourg, the work of the Fondation Ste Zithe is focused on promoting projects within the ZithaGroup. Through personal care and good contacts with residents, their families and all those who make avail of the various services of the ZithaGroup, those in charge have a clear picture, of which needs are to be addressed, which services are lacking and what is needed to provide the elderly and the sick with a little more quality of life, even here in Luxembourg. The Fondation Ste Zithe is pleased to be able to promote and support such initiatives with the help of your donations.

In Malawi, our work focuses on promoting the health of the rural population, providing training and combating hunger and malnutrition. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. Together with Eng oppen Hand fir Malawi and Zikomo – Hilfe für Malawi , the two other NGOs of the Zitha Sisters, we are working to give people in Malawi a chance.

The work of the Fondation Ste Zithe – take a look at the projects we have already realised and those we are currently working on.

Managing your donations: the direct path to doing good

Donations intended for specific Fondation Ste Zithe projects are passed on 100% to these projects, without any deductions. The Fondation Ste Zithe is committed to consistent and transparent donation management. It has been a member of Don en Confiance Luxembourg a.s.b.l. since 2012.

Donations made to the Fondation Ste Zithe are tax-deductible throughout Europe.

Our projects

The work of the Fondation Ste Zithe –
Take a look at the projects we have already realized and those we are currently realizing.


Malawi/St. Gabriel’s Hospital

The Administrative Board

Sister Myriam Ney

President and General Superior

Sister Brigitte Schneiders
Sister Michèle Koedinger
Sister Anastasia Dzoole
Sister Alphonsina Chingamdima
Mrs. Viviane Schaaf
Mr. Pit Hentgen
Mr. Guy Schleder
Mr. Michel Wurth

Our team

Annette Peters

Foundation Management
+352 40 144-30 25

Eva Holz

+352 40 144-31 05

Maxi Gaspar

+352 40 144-30 04

Your contact for organization

32, rue Ste Zithe
L-2763 Luxembourg

Help us to help others.

In accordance with its statutes, the Fondation Ste Zithe supports Zitha operations in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.


Seit 1872 folgt die Zitha auf Basis christlicher Werte den Idealen Hilfsbereitschaft, Mitgefühl und Menschlichkeit, um in Luxemburg und Malawi ihren Dienst am Menschen zu erfüllen. Helfen auch Sie.

Jede Hilfe zählt

Wir hören einander offen, ehrlich interessiert und einfühlsam zu. Dazu gehört eine Haltung der Freundlichkeit, der Aufrichtigkeit und des respektvollen Umgangs miteinander.


Established in 1872, Zitha is guided by the ideals of helping those in need and offering compassion and humanity on the basis of Christian values, fulfilling its service to people in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.

Every donation, every help counts

We listen to each other, with an open mind, with honest interest and empathy. This includes behaving kindly, sincerely and respectfully.