Fondation Ste Zithe

Holiday from everyday life

A holiday provides new energy and “joie de vivre”. It is a balance to everyday life, broadens one’s horizons and leaves behind beautiful memories. This is also true, or even more so, for residents of care homes who need more than the average care but, due to their impairments, do not actually have the opportunity to experience a holiday.

Because holidays make the arduous and grey everyday life more bearable, we wanted to change that. Holiday trips were planned that are holistically tailored to the individual needs and well-being of those residents. In this way, they get the opportunity to experience their lives as rich and worth living.

The German poet Matthias Claudius († 1815) wrote: “If someone goes on a journey, he can tell a story…”. We can only agree with this, and thus travel strengthens active communication and interaction with other residents, one’s own family and friends. The trips enrich life and lead to a feeling of happiness and an improvement in well-being. They reduce stress and gives the residents a different perspective to look at their lifes.

Initially, three to four nights are planned in a disabled-friendly hotel by the sea for severely impaired residents of the Seniorie St Joseph in Consdorf. Professional cares accompany this trip, that is planned for the first half of 2022. It is expected that six physically and cognitively severely impaired residents will take part in this holiday trip, the costs of which amount to 4000,- Euro.

We would like to thank all donors who make this possible.

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Seit 1872 folgt die Zitha auf Basis christlicher Werte den Idealen Hilfsbereitschaft, Mitgefühl und Menschlichkeit, um in Luxemburg und Malawi ihren Dienst am Menschen zu erfüllen. Helfen auch Sie.

Jede Hilfe zählt

Wir hören einander offen, ehrlich interessiert und einfühlsam zu. Dazu gehört eine Haltung der Freundlichkeit, der Aufrichtigkeit und des respektvollen Umgangs miteinander.


Established in 1872, Zitha is guided by the ideals of helping those in need and offering compassion and humanity on the basis of Christian values, fulfilling its service to people in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.

Every donation, every help counts

We listen to each other, with an open mind, with honest interest and empathy. This includes behaving kindly, sincerely and respectfully.