Fondation Ste Zithe

Animal Assisted Therapy

Animals do not judge people according to their appearance, age or possible impairment. Animals do not want to change a person – they take people as they are and meet them openly and without prejudice. This is precisely why contact with animals improves quality of life and social competence.

42 residents of the Seniorie St Joseph in Consdorf are to benefit from this human-animal contact. In a pilot project, the residents regularly visit the educational farm Bricher Paerdsstall of the Mazzone-Bausch family in Brouch/Mersch in small groups to work with the animals. Qualified staff from Seniorie St Joseph Consdorf who work closely with the qualified and trained staff of the farm accompany them.

Individual goals are set for each participant, which are then pursued in a targeted manner by working with horses and other animals. Even excursions with the animals lasting several hours are possible. Through this close contact, the residents will achieve physical and psychological improvements (including improvement of gross and fine motor skills, balance, strength and endurance, improvement of perception, empathy, communication and language). The positive development comes from working with and for the animals. Residents can build a relationship with the animals, take responsibility, learn to recognize the animals’ needs and thereby strengthen their own self-esteem.

In the first phase, 42 residents will participate over a period of 12 months. Divided into small groups, they will visit the farm regularly from January to December 2022.

The project costs 11.000 euros.

We would like to use this opportunity to thank all donors who made this possible.

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Seit 1872 folgt die Zitha auf Basis christlicher Werte den Idealen Hilfsbereitschaft, Mitgefühl und Menschlichkeit, um in Luxemburg und Malawi ihren Dienst am Menschen zu erfüllen. Helfen auch Sie.

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Established in 1872, Zitha is guided by the ideals of helping those in need and offering compassion and humanity on the basis of Christian values, fulfilling its service to people in Luxembourg and Malawi. You can help too.

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We listen to each other, with an open mind, with honest interest and empathy. This includes behaving kindly, sincerely and respectfully.